Blog development update 2

Blog development update 2

In my first blog a little more than a month ago I announced my general plans on development for my blog. I’d like to briefly recall them and take you with me on my current blog journey :).


I. “I’ll give priority in the coming weeks to general set up and tweaking of the blog and starting up posts.” Current status: Done and live. It took me a while to get the set up I liked. Started out with WordPress plugin “Essential grid” which resulted in professional post lay-out. After reading up and using “Elementor” plugin, I decided to stay more to the basics and use Elementor for posting.

2. “You’ll find that I’ll first share some older articles I wrote on LinkedIn. I’ll also put time into presentation of posts. This means people who follow the blog will see frequent updates or changes/tests, also on the live version.” Current status: Done and live. I’ve been posting older articles I wrote on Linkedin and posting new blog posts since the blog went live.

In the meanwhile the blog also underwent other major changes. A few of which are: 

Updated logo: Tried to keep it as simples as possible while also having a personal touch.

Updated site lay-out: Wanted to have as much as possible of essential info on the landing page. I currently am happy with a short intro, expertise section, blog articles section, social media feed section and a portfolio selection. Apart from the landing page I designed seperate “portfolio”, “‘about me” and “contact me” pages. All these pages underwent several set up and design iterations, but I’m happy as they currently are.

Updated site mechanics: Setup a custom menu and menu pop up. Currently still determining whether this is final. It is good for now, might change it based on reader feedback. Putting effort in more essential parts of the blog like Social media integration.

Updated Social media integration: Did some testing on integration of social media feeds. Currently have a Twitter feed in the menu pop up. Will add a Instagram feed to landing page. This now has prio. Should be live in the coming days.

With the above site elements in place I’m happy with the broad strokes! I’ll now be putting focus on creating content, primarily blog articles. Let me know what you think or if you have feedback and thanks for reading again!

Picture used during design process
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