Podcast is live!

Podcast is live!

A new milestone

I have to say the wish to start #podcasting opened up a new box of unknowns and challenges. But since starting my blog I got further #inspired by people surrounding me to continue with this step. Exploring new things and pushing my boundaries to a certain extent is what keeps me highly motivated, so:

As of now I’m #happy to say my podcast went live and is listed on the following Podcast hubs: Spotify, TuneIn, Stitcher , Google Play Music and Apple podcast! You can click on the links to open my #podcast in that specific app/site and you’ll be able to follow the channel. If you don’t have any of these services, you can directly follow and listen episodes on Podbean.

From now we’ll see how well I’m able to stand my ground in my new podcasting world. As far as learning curve I don’t have any illusions. It will probably take me a year to really get tuned into interviewing techniques, finding interesting topics and subtopics to talk about with guests and producing episodes. But I’m willing to put in the effort.

Current released episodes

The first full episodes with guests will be in Dutch as I’m also using the start up period to get a hang of interviewing people as a podcast host. Talking in #Dutch increases the chance that the end result overall is satisfactory as I’m a native Dutch speaker and I’ll then be able to put enough attention into detailing. After a short while I’ll also start publishing English podcasts. Underneath I’ve listed the currently released episodes with some basic info.

Released episodes:

#1 Jayant.biz – de Trailer 
Description: A short trailer in which I tell what you can expect from the podcast.
Language: Dutch

#2 Podcasten en persoonlijk leiderschap met Aartie.
Description: Personal leadership is the subject that we came to in the second part of this episode. We start with a first introduction to this channel and why I wanted to take the step to publish podcast episodes.
Language: Dutch
Duration: 45m

Upcoming programming

Decided to release a short motivational episode for the coming weeks!

#3 Staying focused and keeping yourself motivated.
Description: Difficult Corona times demand extra effort to stay focused and keeping yourself motivated. A short anecdotal solo episode in which I provide some tips from own experience.
Release date: Saturday, April 18th 2020
Language: English
Duration: 07m47s

The fourth episode (in Dutch) will include my sister in law Wandana who is a midwife in the Netherlands. We’ll talk about current “market” conditions for her and the way she’s coping and planning currently.

The fifth episode (in Dutch) will touch on motivation and will include Richard who is a personal trainer and nutritional coach in the Amterdam area. Curious to know if this self employed coach is able to give us interesting insights into the world of personal training, self motivation and entrepeneuring? Stay tuned in the upcoming weeks!

Closing thought 

Once I’ve come up with a podcast content planning for a more extended period of time I’ll update you in a follow up post. This planning will give a broad overview of type of subjects and timeframes. After listening to one of the episodes I kindly request to give me a positive review in the channel you’re listening to. If you don’t appreciate an episode or part of an episode leave me a comment with your feedback and give me a chance to improve on next episodes :).

As from now I not only thank you for reading, but also for listening!

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